Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Alteryx workflow failing on server but works fine on desktop

8 - Asteroid

We have a workflow on the server that has suddenly started failing with the error "DataWrapOCI: Unable to prepare the Create Table Statement". We are just appending the data to the table and not creating a new Table. The same workflow without any changes works fine on the Alteryx desktop. 

5 - Atom

Hello @msve, 

My first thought if something is not working on Alteryx Server, but is working on Alteryx Desktop is that perhaps there was an update to Alteryx Desktop that has not been done server side? I would take some time to see if older versions of your workflow are functioning as expected. 

A few thoughts: (TLDR)

  1. Version control on Server vs. Desktop versions. 
  2. Older Versions functioning? 
    1. When was the WF functioning last? 
5 - Atom

I am having the same issue as well, was it a version issue?
